Vozo Blogs

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Remote Patient Monitoring

How Integration of Remote Patient Monitoring and Telehealth Benefits

The healthcare industry is experiencing a significant transformation with the aid of digital technologies. Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) and Telehealth...

5 Ways Vozo Telehealth Solution Makes Virtual Health Consultation Better

5 Ways Vozo Telehealth Makes Virtual Health Consultation Better

Telehealth was considered the best way to provide convenient healthcare. Most patients prefer virtual health...

What Telehealth Features Do Patients Value Most? Survey Results

What Telehealth Features Do Patients Value Most? Survey Results

During the rise of the Pandemic, people suffered and in-person health consultation has become more...


5 Big Benefits of Telehealth for OUD Treatment Retention

OUD (Opioid Use Disorder) - A critical health condition that can risk a patient's life....


Virtual Vet Visits: How Telehealth Could Change Your Veterinary Experience

Due to the pandemic, the adoption of Telehealth accelerated across many healthcare industries, including veterinary...


Telehealth for Mental Health: How Virtual Visits Can Expand Access to Therapy

Telehealth has boosted the healthcare industry by providing a more convenient way of health consultation...

EHR for behavioral health therapy
EHR, Telehealth

Behavioral Health Therapy EHR: Making it 24/7/365 with Telepsychiatry Software

The field of behavioral health therapy has witnessed significant advancements in recent years, particularly with...

Virtual care delivery cost

How can we reduce Virtual care delivery costs & OPEX?

Virtual care is in more demand now. Patients prefer virtual care more in this fluctuating...

Virtual-first care
Telehealth, Virtual healthcare

Virtual Care: The new edition to fit the Virtual-First Generation

Many aspects succeeded in bringing healthcare services online. The pandemic was the one that made...

Telehealth to increase revenue

#3 Ways Telehealth will boost your Practice Revenue smarter

Telehealth has gained the trust of patients and providers over the past few years. The...