Vozo Blogs

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Patient Access To EHR: The Potential Risks And Benefits

We know that we live in a world where the internet is everything. The younger and growing generation is so...

e-prescription software

E-Prescription: A Developer’s Guide

Health software development has witnessed digitization over the recent years, and this has extended to...


Launching A New EHR System: How To Choose Your Vendor? (6 Best Practices)

Getting started with a new EHR can be a daunting process. The EHR path will...

ehr vendor selection

EHR Vendor Selection Checklist For 2022 (New)

The digital healthcare transformation continues to grow and evolve, but 2022 will likely hold some...

A person holding a calculator is calculating the expense which represents the EHR software cost estimation

EHR Software Cost: How To Set Your Budget In 2022?

While selecting the new EHR software, one of the first questions the healthcare organizations ask...

patient charts

Patient Charts: Everything You Need To Know

If you’re looking for a tool that can simplify complex data management, consider using a...


Importance Of Providing Patient Access To EHR Data

Patient access to their electronic health records (EHR) is now becoming an integral part of...

EHR Integrated Practice Management
EHR, Practice Management

5 Stunning Benefits Of EHR Integrated Practice Management

Integrated healthcare has become more popular today due to the increase in the usage of...

EHR software for telemedicine visits
EHR, Telemedicine

3 Great Ways To Use Your EHR Software For Telemedicine Visits

The widespread of Covid-19 has tremendously increased the number of clinicians and patients using telemedicine...

How to choose the best specialty EHR for your practice

How To Choose The Best Specialty EHR For Your Practice?

When you’re busy running your healthcare practices, it’s impossible to find time to find out...