How Vozo Patient Portal Addresses Meaningful Use

With all the resources and budget healthcare providers and organizations are continuously trying to find ways to simplify organizational operations, improve efficiency, and achieve more positive patient outcomes. The Meaningful  Use (MU) or Promoting Interoperability (PI) was established to achieve the exact need.

Let’s find out how Vozo’s Patient Portal helps healthcare practices and providers to address it because complying with these mandates needs a standardized approach and the right technology.

What Is Meaningful Use?

‘Meaningful Use’ is the general term for the Centers of Medicare and Medicaid’s (CMS’s) Electronic Health Record (EHR) incentive programs that provide financial benefits to healthcare providers who use appropriate EHR technologies in meaningful ways; ways that benefit patients and providers alike.

Meaningful Use incentives were imbibed into law in the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act, which was part of The American Reinvestment & Recovery Act (ARRA) of 2009. 

The HITECH Act aims to modernize and improve US healthcare services by mandating effective, and beneficial use of EHR systems and electronic prescribing procedures. 

The motivation for mandating the use of these electronic systems is simple: when used effectively, EHRs and e-Prescribing programs benefit patients, providers, and pharmacists by streamlining workflows and safeguarding personal health information (PHI).

How does Meaningful Use Impacts Practices/Providers?

Meaningful Use requirements concentrate on boosting patient care by utilizing the EHR. This is to improve communications and sharing of information between patients and providers, as well as between provider and provider, and provider and payer.

But first, the practices or providers must qualify for Meaningful Use incentives to avoid any penalties. They must ensure to meet specific criteria from each of the following three stages.

Stage 1: Data gathering and sharing

For electronic capturing of clinical data including providing patients with digital records of health information, certain requirements were established by Meaningful Use. 

The main objective: The core goal of this Stage 1 of Meaningful Use requirements was to encourage eligible providers and their organizations to adopt the usage of EHRs to store health information digitally.

Stage 2: Clinical processes

After developing the Stage 1 requirements, the criteria were expanded by Stage 2 Meaningful Use, to encourage the use of Certified Electronic Health Record Technology (CEHRT).

The main focus: Was on advancing clinical processes for continuous quality improvement at the point of care, and ultimately exchanging information in the most standard possible.

Stage 3: Enhanced outcomes

After the 1st and 2nd Stages of Meaningful Use, the 3rd Stage was added in 2017 along with the modifications in Stage 2.

The main objective: Was, for making interoperability possible between certified EHRs to facilitate secure and efficient sharing of health data to improve health outcomes. It also encourages the increased use of APIs to enable the patients to view, download, and share their health data across EHRs.

How Vozo Patient Portal Addresses Meaningful Use

Vozo Patient Portal Solution provides utmost security and the needed capabilities for practices and providers to meet their Meaningful Use requirements like, 

Increasing the access of patients to health information

To increase patient engagement and empowerment, ensuring patient access to health records is essential. This way, they can be advocates for themselves. When healthcare records are readily available and accessible for them at all times, they are likely to be actively engaging in their healthcare routine.

This helps them keep their lives healthier. And this is where electronic health records come in.

Vozo’s EHR integrated Patient Portal offers patients security and ensures easy access to all of their health information, that too in one centralized location. While this is for the patients, the EHR vendors also benefit from gaining access to a combined platform of patient engagement tools to increase and spread their existing offerings.

Automating for easing the work pressure

Automation is everything now. Automation ensures the reduction of manual work, time, and energy. More and more healthcare organizations, providers, and practices are preferring and adopting technologies that can automate tiresome manual work.

Vozo Patient Portal automates and streamlines manual workflows. This can help practices, on one hand, reduce the workload for their staff and providers and on the other hand, improve the patient experience.

Our Patient Portal allows patients to schedule appointments on their own, digitally, at their convenience. Also, tasks like resetting passwords and new user registrations are as easy as drinking coffee.

This automation helps practices to save their time from attending many calls and writing the details down and save the extra time for doing other meaningful work.

Easy and secure end-to-end communication

The most important role in demonstrating Meaningful Use is of communications’. Patients always search for ways to communicate and engage with their providers easily, without interruptions, and with full security.

Vozo’s Patient Portal provides a convenient and secure way for healthcare patients and consumers to send, receive, and respond to direct messages with staff or providers.

Providers can boost patient engagement, improve adherence, and strengthen their patient-provider relationships which ultimately results in positive health outcomes.

patient portals vs patient engagement

Welcome To Vozo And Simplify Transition To A New Portal

The fear of impacting their Meaningful Use metrics makes many healthcare practices to be reluctant to switch portals. If you are such a practice or not, do not worry. At Vozo, we have exactly the thing to make the transition easier for you.

None of your data will be lost and you will get a more patient-centric portal that helps address Meaningful Use. Our patient portal software helps you to empower your patients with advanced portal features including secure messaging, appointment schedules, lab reports, family access, record consultations, e-prescribing, and a healthcare blog to take charge of their care. 

Vozo’s patient portal can be easily integrated with your EHR system which improves your practice workflow and boosts your productivity. If you doubt your current EHR system, switch to Vozo’s smart EHR and integrate our patient portal for better patient care.

Whether you are a small or large healthcare practice, our cost-effective patient portal integrated EHR software helps you to achieve greater success in the healthcare marketplace – not only today but also in the future. Wait for none. Visit us now.

“Let’s reduce your work pressure by addressing Meaningful Use, together”