EHR & Predictive Analytics

EHR & Predictive Analytics: Protecting People from Health Unpredictability

Healthcare Predictive Analytics finds patterns and trends for predicting future events.

When combined with EHR, it saves millions of people by forecasting their health conditions, helping providers with clinical decisions, and controlling the spread of deadly diseases.

What is Healthcare Predictive Analytics?

  • Healthcare predictive analytics is the application of statistical algorithms, machine learning, and data mining techniques
  • It is to analyze clinical data and historical patient data in order to identify patterns, make predictions, and improve clinical outcomes
  • It involves using data from electronic health records, medical imaging, genomics, and other sources 
  • These predict the likelihood of future events such as disease diagnosis, hospital readmission, and medication non-adherence

RELATED: How Predictive Analytics Reduces Hospital Readmissions by Half

What is the Goal of Healthcare Predictive Analytics?

  • The goal of healthcare predictive analytics is to improve patient care and reduce healthcare costs 
  • This is done by identifying high-risk patients who require more attention and resources, predicting and preventing adverse events, and optimizing resource utilization

Healthcare organizations can use predictive analytics to 

  1. Improve clinical decision-making
  2. Optimize clinical workflows, and 
  3. Provide personalized treatment plans based on individual patient characteristics

Benefits of Predictive Analytics in Healthcare

1. Early detection and prevention

Predictive analytics identifies patients at high risk of developing health problems, such as chronic diseases or hospital-acquired infections, allowing healthcare providers to intervene early and prevent or manage these conditions more effectively.

2. Personalized care

It helps healthcare providers tailor treatment plans to individual patients by identifying the most effective treatments based on the patient’s medical history, lifestyle, and other factors.

3. Improved patient outcomes

By using predictive analytics, healthcare providers can make more informed decisions about patient care, leading to better health outcomes, fewer complications, and reduced readmissions.

4. Cost savings

Early detection and prevention of health problems can reduce the need for costly treatments and hospitalizations, resulting in cost savings for healthcare providers and patients.

5. Enhanced efficiency

Predictive analytics helps healthcare providers optimize their workflows, reduce wait times, and improve resource utilization, leading to greater efficiency and productivity.

6. Better population health management

Predictive analytics helps healthcare providers identify trends and patterns in population health, allowing them to develop targeted interventions and improve overall population health outcomes.

RELATED: Best 3 Solutions for the Top EHR Implementation Risks for Specialty Healthcare

How is Predictive Analytics Used in Healthcare? [Examples]

  • To identify patients at risk of developing chronic conditions such as diabetes or heart disease, allowing healthcare providers to intervene early and prevent or manage these conditions more effectively
  • Additionally, predictive analytics can help identify patients who are at risk of developing hospital-acquired infections, allowing healthcare providers to take preventive measures to minimize the risk of infection

How do EHR & Predictive Analytics “TOGETHER” Improve Healthcare Outcomes?

Predictive analytics & electronic health records can work together to improve healthcare outcomes by leveraging patient data to identify patterns and predict future health risks or complications.

  • EHR systems store patient data such as medical history, lab results, medications, and diagnoses in a digital format
  • This makes it easier for healthcare providers to access and analyze patient information
  • Predictive analytics uses this data to identify potential health risks or complications and provide early warnings to healthcare providers
  • By combining EHR with predictive analytics, healthcare providers can make more informed decisions about patient care, resulting in improved healthcare outcomes
  • This approach helps to reduce healthcare costs by identifying and addressing health issues before they become more serious and require more costly treatments

What are the Top 10 Applications of Predictive Analytics in Healthcare?

  1. Early identification of patients at risk of developing chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer, enables providers to intervene early and prevent or manage these conditions more effectively
  2. Prediction of hospital readmission rates, allows providers to identify patients who are at risk of readmission & take preventive measures to reduce readmission rates
  3. Identification of patients at risk of developing hospital-acquired infections enables providers to take measures to minimize the risk of infection
  4. Prediction of medication adherence, allows providers to identify patients who may be at risk of non-adherence and intervene to improve adherence rates
  5. Optimization of hospital resource utilization enables providers to allocate resources more efficiently and reduce costs
  6. Personalized medicine, enables providers to tailor treatments to individual patients based on their medical history, lifestyle, and other factors
  7. Identification of high-risk patients for care management programs enables healthcare providers to provide targeted interventions to high-risk patients and improve patient outcomes
  8. Early detection of sepsis, allows providers to identify patients who may be at risk of sepsis and intervene early to prevent complications
  9. Fraud detection enables healthcare providers to identify and prevent fraudulent claims and reduce costs
  10. Population health management enables providers to identify trends & patterns in population health and develop targeted interventions to improve overall population health outcomes

Cloud EHR from Vozo

Vozo cloud-based EHR software provides a sophisticated, customizable, and integrated EHR. It saves physicians and practices from documentation burdens and helps in making early interventions using Predictive analytics. Our customizable templates let physicians view patient records & create case notes, and more from a single screen. 

Vozo RCM integrated with EHR & Practice Management offers greater efficiency and cost savings across the board. Our specialty-specific tools improve workflow, billing, scheduling, and documentation. 

  • Our features – e-prescribing, security, patient portals, lab integration, cloud hosting, etc.
  • We offer – the best means of ICD-10 standards, specialty EHR, and an exclusive mobile app for convenience

Easily identify healthcare gaps based on patient visits, diagnosis, and test results. Customize fields on Vozo EHR as you wish for detailed practice-wide financial analytics.

“Join us to protect your patients together from future health unpredictability”